Individual Voluntary Arrangements(IVA)

These are formalised legal arrangements which results in you paying back only a proportion of your debts with the creditors agreeing to write off the balance.

Informal Arrangements (Debt Management Plans)

In certain circumstances, an informal arrangement with creditors is a more appropriate solution than either of the above.

Advice is given on how best to implement such an arrangement whether this means doing it yourself, using a free service or by the use of a Debt Management Company.

Re-mortgages and Secured Loans

In certain circumstances unsecured debt can be paid off by the raising of secured debt.

By doing this you should benefit from lower monthly repayments.

Assistance is given to find a broker who can secure the most appropriate deal and advise on the risks in turning unsecured debt into secured debt.

Other Advice

We also give free advice where the options are limited to: